Tallest structure built with interlocking plastic bricks in 30 seconds (team of four)
Colemm Wright, Jacob Vignere, Damien Trout, Jude Wells, Vincenzo Dicuonzo, Giuseppe Moselli , Valerio Giobbe, Silvio Sabba
43 total number
意大利 (Rodano)

The tallest structure built with interlocking plastic bricks in 30 seconds (team of four) is 43, achieved by Jude Wells, Damien Trout, Jacob Vignere, and Colemm Wright (all USA), at the Guinness World Records Museum in San Antonio, Texas, USA, on 24 January 2015. This was equalled by Vincenzo Dicuonzo, Giuseppe Moselli, Valerio Giobbe and Silvio Sabba (all Italy) in Rodano, Milan, Italy, on 25 July 2019.

Bricks must be added one-by-one alternatively between the four participants.