Most magic tricks performed blindfolded in one minute
Martin Rees
36 total number
英国 (London)

The most magic tricks performed blindfolded in one minute is 36, and was achieved by Martin Rees (UK) at Wonderville in London, UK, on 26 February 2023.

Martin is a well-established magician and holds many more magic-related Guinness World Records titles. At the age of just four, he received a magic set as a gift, which set him on course for a career in conjuring.

The tricks were:

1. Card to watch

2. Appearing cane

3. Produce silk

4. Top hat from silk

5. Link rings

6. Unlink rings

7. Fish from mouth

8. Produce coin

9. Vanishing ring

10. Card design warp

11. Pen to pencil

12. Split deck of cards

13. Vanish small deck

14. Vanish card

15. Produce card

16. Floating card</p>

17. 3 of clubs to 5 of spades

18. 3 of clubs on finger

19. Vanish chomp bar

20. Vanish coin stack

21. King of clubs Z wallet

22. Produce AirPods

23. Colour change wand

24. Glass smash

25. Vanishing ball

26. Lolly from card

27. Produce red rose

28. Change rose to yellow

29. Vanish rose

30. Rubiks to chocolate

31. Move X on paddle

32. Vanish X from paddle

33. Match from brass block

34. Flower from wand

35. Produce Fererro Rocher

36. GWR book production