Fastest 100 km on a treadmill (female)
Arielle Fitzgerald
8:30:34 hour(s), minute(s), second(s)
加拿大 (Calgary)

The fastest time to run 100 km on a treadmill (female) 8 hr 30 min 34 sec, achieved by Arielle Fitzgerald (Canada) at the Calgary Marathon Expo in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, on 28 May 2016.

Arielle broke the 100 km record after first breaking the Guinness World Records title for the Fastest time to run 50 km on a treadmill (female) and taking a three minute bathroom break. She attempted this record as a member of Team MitoCanada, a charity that provides awareness, support, and research for mitochondrial disease in Canada. Team MitoCanada raised $75,000 for mitochondrial research at the Expo.